It was recently reported by the LA Times that two internet sites have been illegally selling tickets to the Beijing Olympics. It got me thinking about the progression of events that we had to undertake to get Olympics tickets. To my knowledge there is only one USOC sponsored ticket distributor, Cosport. Their website is bare bones, but their video confirmed my excitement about attending the event. The process to get Olympics tickets started for us in the Spring of 2007. Cosport ran a several phase purchase process that helped identify those who said they were interested in buying tickets and those who really meant it. I assume this phased process helped weed out the casual fans because it meant dedication to come back to the site on a regular basis.
Phase 1: During this phase I was able to request a maximum of eight (8) tTickets to any individual session of any sSporting eEvent and a maximum of two (2) tTickets to Opening or Closing Ceremonies, for a maximum of forty-eight (48) tickets per individual order. I expressed interest for Swimming and Gymnastics (as the premiere events) first and then Beach Volleyball, Soccer, Diving and a few others second. I suspect Cosport used this phase to guage demand for the different sports.
Phase 2: This phase involved expressing how many tickets we wanted on a particular day for a particular event. You had to be strategic in your selection knowing that certain events conflict. The company required also asked me for two credit card numberss. The tickets you were allowed to pick were available from the ones you won via a "lottery". We won tickets to soccer and beach volleyball.
Phase 3: Once all the tickets that were in high demand were gobbled up, there was a third phase of ticket selling. I looked at the days we had tickets and chose to get tickets on the same days but in the morning of those days. The tickets for these less popular events were very cheap. This is how I came to get a pair of tickets to weightlifting and team handball. An individual ticket for these events was $9.00.
Phase 4: I keep checking back for a Phase 4 ticket sale. I am hoping that I can come back to Cosport to find some cancelled tickets available for people who cannot make the trip.
Regardless, after the time and effort put into purchasing tickets, it is strange to think that there are some fans out there that think they can purchase tickets for events at the last minute, and shame on the vendors for faking the ability to sell Olympic tickets.
A few months ago we were delighted to find out that we will see the US Soccer Team play. When we won the tickets we had no idea which teams were playing. When they announced the schedule we learned that we will see USA vs Nigeria and Serbia vs Argentina.
Finally, my dream tickets for the a finals session of swimming at the Watercube in Beijing are going for astronomical prices on Ebay. Anyone? Anyone?
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