Our Korean Air flight pulled away from the JFK gate at 12:57am EST. The 747 flew at 39,000 feet. It was a little bumpy on the take off and getting up to cruising altitude, but an hour in it was smooth sailing. In flight entertainment included Iron Man, Kung Fu Panda and some Cameron Diaz and Ashton Kucher movie about getting married in Vegas. Not surprisingly, Kate slept 90% of the close to 14 hour flight. I on the other hand resorted to a magic pill to help me get some winks. I did manage, however, to squeeze in 3 movies.
We arrived to a very quiet Incheon airport in Seoul, South Korea at 3:30am local time. According to the flight map the airport is an island off the coast near the site of the 1988 Olympics, Seoul, South Korea. We found a 24 hour cafe and chilled there until food was served at 6:00am. We had to try Kimchi, a Korean dish of pickled cabbage. It was delicious, and a great way to kick-off our Asian eating adventure.
The Olympic opening ceremonies are tonight, and we can't wait to witness another chapter in Olympic history! Check out today's NY Times article about Zhang Yimou.
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